A Place to Talk About War

I would like to hear from soldiers who have been in combat situations, from their families, or from others interested in this conversation. I am a graduate student interested in war rhetoric. I have no preset agenda: I simply want to listen, to learn, and to be supportive.

Location: Texas, United States

Married, two kids. Worked in the defense industry for 20 years before taking a different path. I'll be starting my dissertation on the rhetoric of war in a few months. This semester I am teaching Freshman Composition. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BLOGGERS' SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, OR ANY OTHER GRAMMAR MATTERS--I JUST WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Where is the National Guard?

The gulf coast is in ruins, the looters have the run of some areas, police don't have the manpower to protect property because they're already stretched terribly thin trying to rescue people stranded from the water. This is a job for a massive number of National Guard troops--but many of those troops have been sent to Iraq. Anyone care to discuss the wisdom or the implications of having those dedicated to keeping peace at home fighting in a foreign country? Any and all comments welcome.

Also, a word about looters: I was told, although I haven't heard specifics, that a policeman was shot to death by a looter in New Orleans this morning. What are your thoughts on a shoot-on-sight policy toward looters?

Update: it turns out that I'm not the first person to think about this. A quick Google search turned up a few random sites dealing with the National Guard issue here and here . I'm sure there are more.