A Place to Talk About War

I would like to hear from soldiers who have been in combat situations, from their families, or from others interested in this conversation. I am a graduate student interested in war rhetoric. I have no preset agenda: I simply want to listen, to learn, and to be supportive.

Location: Texas, United States

Married, two kids. Worked in the defense industry for 20 years before taking a different path. I'll be starting my dissertation on the rhetoric of war in a few months. This semester I am teaching Freshman Composition. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BLOGGERS' SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, OR ANY OTHER GRAMMAR MATTERS--I JUST WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.

Monday, May 22, 2006

How DO we support the troops?

Let's suppose that you "support the troops" whether you believe they should be in Iraq or not. This question has two parts: first, what, if anything, do you do to support them? Second, what do you think most Americans do, if anything, in the way of support?

Possible answers might include the following, although the list is far from exhaustive:
  • donate to charitable organizations that send care packages overseas
  • donate to Paralyzed Veterans of America or similar organizations
  • write your elected representatives to press for better military pay, veterans health benefits, body armor, shorter deployments, etc.
  • write your elected representatives to call for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq
  • greet returning soldiers at the airport
  • put a magnetic ribbon on your car
  • visit patients at the local V.A. hospital
  • vote Republican
  • vote Democrat
  • send your own care packages addressed to "Any Soldier, Iraq"
  • fly your flag on Memorial and Veterans Day
  • pray daily for their safety
  • think general good thoughts about them and tell people that you support the troops
  • enlist in the military to give them a helping hand
  • encourage your relatives to enlist
  • drive a fuel-efficient car

I could keep going, but that should be enough to jump-start your thinking. I look forward to reading your perceptions of how America is collectively supporting her troops.