A Place to Talk About War

I would like to hear from soldiers who have been in combat situations, from their families, or from others interested in this conversation. I am a graduate student interested in war rhetoric. I have no preset agenda: I simply want to listen, to learn, and to be supportive.

Location: Texas, United States

Married, two kids. Worked in the defense industry for 20 years before taking a different path. I'll be starting my dissertation on the rhetoric of war in a few months. This semester I am teaching Freshman Composition. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BLOGGERS' SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, OR ANY OTHER GRAMMAR MATTERS--I JUST WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Corruption in Washington? I am shocked!

I wish I could be more outraged about Jack Abramoff and his buddies on Capitol Hill, but I guess cynicism has gotten the best of me.

Is he a disgusting slimebag who deserves to go to jail? Yep. Are the politicians who took his money and performed favors in return disgusting slimebags who need to be kicked out? Yep. Is the name of his organization--Grassroots Interactive--a tad ironic? Yep. But did anyone truly believe that Democrats had a lock on sleaze, or that Republicans were truly all about those "values" we heard so much about?

Money/politics/power--without an internal code of moral conduct, no politician from any party is necessarily going to do the right thing. To take it on faith that members of one party are inherently more upright than those of the other is just foolishness.