A Place to Talk About War

I would like to hear from soldiers who have been in combat situations, from their families, or from others interested in this conversation. I am a graduate student interested in war rhetoric. I have no preset agenda: I simply want to listen, to learn, and to be supportive.

Location: Texas, United States

Married, two kids. Worked in the defense industry for 20 years before taking a different path. I'll be starting my dissertation on the rhetoric of war in a few months. This semester I am teaching Freshman Composition. I DON'T CARE ABOUT BLOGGERS' SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, OR ANY OTHER GRAMMAR MATTERS--I JUST WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Were Vietnam Vets Spit On?

As usual, forgive me for the delay between posts. I am researching and writing instead of blogging. (Whatever has happened to my priorities?)

I'm asking for your help now. A battle of words is taking place on the Internet over whether returning Vietnam vets were indeed spit on, or had tomatoes, eggs, or feces (depending on the story) thrown at them. A number of these claimed incidents supposedly took place at the San Francisco airport. Jerry Lembke (a VN vet) has argued that the accounts are made up. (His book is titled The Spitting Image. See Amazon.com for more info.) Certainly I don't know if they happened or not.

So, what I'm asking my readers to do is to give me any information you can from the Vietnam vets that you know. Did anything like this happen to them? Where were they? Did they respond? Were the police called? Does anyone have a picture of such an act, or a then-current newspaper article which reports it? I would be interested in any information which you consider reliable.

Thanks. Best to all.